Evidence A:

Evidence B:

The annoying fact is, and you'll laugh at this one, that if the bar isn't clean in the morning I'M the one who is held responsible. Even if there is no one in the bar when I come in. For example; if the last guest leaves the bar at, say, 9.30pm and I don't get in until 11.00pm, that's an hour and a half the bar staff has to clean the bar, empty the drip trays and clean all the used glasses, etc. But not in this hotel. They just stand around until 'knocking-off' time and then leave the bar in a complete mess. Then it's the night shift's responsibility to clean it up. Should the night shift go on strike and not do it, they are the ones who are hauled over the coals about not doing their job. Is it just me, or does that seem a bit unreasonable?
Recently the hotel went through it's yearly cycle of getting all the switches, electrical points, etc. tested. (for those of you obsessed with official terminology, it's the annual 'PAT testing') The amount of these things:

around the hotel is unbelieveable. They all seem to have failed. I first noticed them a few weeks ago, just after the testing had been done, and they haven't been replaced. Can anyone enlighten me if this is a legal issue? Can I feign an electric shock and sue the company? It's times like these, I wish the campsite was open all year round. I'd happily go back there and work.
Those trays are disgusting. There's no reason why the bar staff couldn't clean up when there's nothing else for them to do. Fair enough if they're really busy and don't have time but there's no need for it otherwise.
That's the point. They stand around doing nothing for hours until knocking-off time.
I have my eye on a couple of jobs that I'm going to apply for.
Well best of luck.
Er...yeah. If something has failed a PAT test then it's unusable. Speak to the HSE for advice. Sorry it's the Health & Safety geek in me.
Feigning electrocution sounds fun too
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