Friday, 28 December 2007

The End of an Era

After several weeks of non-stop tomfoolery and general annoyances from various members of staff, I can finally put to rest this blog. I think the answer is fairly obvious, if you're sitting there thinking, "What does he mean?", then I suggest you go and read through all the posts on this blog first. Certainly, they have been watered down to an extent, but you can still grasp the general goings-on in the hotels.

Done that? Good.

I handed in my resignation before Christmas and worked my weeks notice, made up of holidays and days in lieu.

I no longer have to put up with drunken members of staff being abusive and racist. No longer will I have to cover the backs of the lazy-arsed restaurant staff who cannot do their jobs properly.

I am, and quite happily too, a free man. So? What now? Well, once the season starts up again, I'll be going back to the campsite to work. But for the next few weeks, I'm simply going to relax and catch up with a lot of work which I haven't had the time to do.

I'm already feeling less stressed and, generally, more happier as a person.

I know this message may come slightly late, but I hope you all had a great Christmas and I wish every single one of my readers my very best wishes for next year.