Thursday, 6 December 2007


Remind me never to ask for time off, because I can always be assured that I won't get it. I asked for two days extra off this week, nobody called to confirm that it was OK and I could have them, instead I had to work.

Anyway, the main reason for this post is regarding the last entry in this blog. If you remember, I was subjected to a verbal torrent of racism and was assaulted (it was minor, but is still classed as an assault.) I e-mailed the HR Manager to question what had happened regarding the incident and whether I needed to submit any further reports and this is the reply I received:

"I have received and acted upon your report regarding *name deleted* – he has left a letter of apology for your attention in your pigeonhole."

Although I was very much expecting this kind of response, i.e. he has apologised and nothing more will be done, I am still surprised that the company can run an establishment in this manner.

As I have mentioned previously, I am looking for another job and I hope to find one soon. Very soon indeed.


Anonymous said...

I read your original post & can't see the racism you refer to. Was more said that you posted?

Al said...

Now there's a surprise. Hope you find a new job soon!

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